Facts About
Organ Donation
Despite ongoing efforts in public education, misconceptions and inaccuracies surrounding donation persist. Gain a deeper understanding of organ, eye, and tissue donation by acquainting yourself with these facts.
To become an organ donor, please register here: registerme.org
Who decides who gets a donated organ?
Fact: A national computer system and stringent standards ensure the ethical and fair distribution of organs, considering factors like blood and tissue typing, organ size, medical urgency, waiting time, and geographic location.
Fact: The primary focus upon hospital admission for sickness or injury is saving lives; organ donation is only contemplated after a physician declares death.
Fact: There exists no universal age limit for receiving a transplant; instead, each transplant hospital adheres to specific criteria tailored to individual cases, ensuring suitability for potential candidates.
No major religions oppose organ, eye, and tissue donations. Many support it as an act of charity and compassion.
Who can donate and how?
Fact: Individuals of all ages and medical backgrounds are encouraged to consider themselves potential donors, with organ and tissue donation eligibility determined by one's medical condition upon passing.
Fact: Organs and tissues available for donation encompass a range including the heart, kidneys, lungs, pancreas, liver, intestines, corneas, skin, tendons, bone, nerve, and heart valves.
Fact: Unregistered individuals can easily become donors by visiting registerme.org.
Fact: It's important to communicate your donation wishes with your family, even if you've documented them on your driver’s license, state donor registry, or the National Donate Life Registry.
Fact: Donors from all racial and ethnic backgrounds are crucial, with transplant success rates notably higher when organs are matched within the same ethnic group.
What happens after organ donation?
Fact: Contrary to popular belief, organ and tissue donors can still have an open-casket funeral.
Fact: Organ and tissue donation incur no expenses for the donor's family or estate, alleviating financial burdens during an already difficult time.
Fact: Confidentiality is paramount in organ donation; information about the donor is disclosed to recipients only upon the family's request or agreement, ensuring privacy for both donor families and recipients.